среда, 25 августа 2010 г.

B FFXIV нельзя будет играть дольше часа в день

Из интервью в фамицу:

Tell us about the “fatigue” and “dormancy” systems please.
We wanted to introduce a system to reward players who don’t have a lot of time to play. Maybe it looks as though we are placing long playing users at a disadvantage, but the idea is really to let play for short periods be viable.
Won’t that cause some concern amongst players who play for longer?
We want these players to try different classes. If you change class the fatigue doesn’t affect you, so you could try non-combat classes as well. You actually have more play choices now as you can make more characters.
 Инфа такая: за 2 часа копится 50% усталости. Чтобы ее восстановить, нужно отдыхать 2 дня. Если усталость достигнет 100%, получаемая экспа упадет до нуля. Иными словами, в фф14 можно будет толково играть только по часу в день.

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